Ep 8: 7 Signs You're Evolving (and not going crazy)

If you've ever found yourself wondering if you're going crazy, losing your mind, having a breakdown, or spinning into a mid-life crisis, what I'm about to share may help positively shift your perspective.

In this episode of She Starts Now, I’m sharing my own experience with samvega and the 7 signs that you might be going through it too.

Samvega is described by Buddhist monk Thanissaro Bhikkhu as three feelings that come on at once. The oppressive sense of shock, dismay, and alienation that comes with realizing the futility and meaningless of life as it's normally lived, a chastening sense of our own complacency and foolishness in having let ourselves live so blindly, and an anxious sense of urgency in trying to find a way out of the meaningless cycle.

This sounds intense, and it is! But I believe that this should actually be seen as a positive and radical personal shift and transformation.

This episode is dedicated to the late Dr. Wayne Dyer who inspired me to share this message with as many people as possible.

In This Episode, We Discuss:

  • The conversation with Wayne Dyer that inspired a book and this episode

  • How to recognize a defining moment and why it matters

  • Why you should be embracing Samvega as a call to evolve and transform

  • The truth of a dark defining moment that led to me quitting my career in broadcast media to study yoga and meditation in an ashram in India (and what I discovered that changed everything for me - and it might for you too)

  • Why I believe Western medicine might be medicating our awakening

  • Why Oprah was right - you need to listen to the whispers 

  • 7 signs that you're shifting and ready for a change

  • A powerful practice to help you reframe problems into opportunities

  • How one simple shift can change everything for you

  • The common threads between She Starts Now and a samvega experience

  • The power of curiosity, stillness, creativity, and self-compassion

I hope this episode has brought you some comfort if you’re experiencing this shift. I encourage you to take note of whichever symptoms of samvega you might be experiencing in your life.

I truly believe that if we start to embrace these symptoms and these experiences that seem turbulent and rocky at first as part of our growth and evolution, we'll start to turn inward and actually get excited about the process of the change we're about to experience.

If you want to join a community of brave, action-taking women, I invite you to join the She Starts Now Movement where you'll get the support, tools, and the encouragement you need to create a courageous life.

Resources Mentioned:

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You, Are Non-Negotiable

A manifesto of encouragement and a reminder that you have everything you need to stop waiting and start living.

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